Students celebrated for their hard work in the classroom with end of school year bash

BETHEL, N.C. (WITN) -As the current school year comes to an end, many are celebrating the accomplishments of students across the east. In fact, there’s one community, who went all out for their kids Thursday.

School is finally out for summer and many students took a moment to celebrate at the Bethel Youth Activity Center.

“I think it’s important to know that when kids come here, they’re expecting something,” said Dr. Garrie Moore, who’s the executive director of the after-school program. “It’s important that we be able to deliver. What we deliver is a safe environment for them to come do their homework, fellowship with their classmates, to play, to learn and to grow.”

Students from Pitt County and surrounding areas in the east came together for an exciting end of school bash.

Students had the chance to enjoy fun games, music, food, and fellowship but Moore believes the most important thing about their after-school program is that it’s a safe space for the kids.

“They come to us and voluntarily hand us their report card saying look at what I’m doing,” Moore said. “Even if they’re having challenges because they know we are going to help them.”

Moore says they have students from third grade to 12th grade involved throughout the school year, which is a special thing to see.

“I’m happy the kids want to be here,” Moore said. “I’m happy the faculty wants to be here.”

Moore say there will be a summer camp held at the Youth Activity Center starting June 17 and will run through July 17.

If you are interested in signing your child up, here’s a link with more information 2024 Summer Camp Registration | Cognito Forms.
