State auditor asks SBI to look into Fayetteville State University credit card purchases

FAYETTEVILLE, N.C. (WITN) – An investigative audit uncovered nearly $700,000 in “unallowed” or poorly documented spending on Fayetteville State University credit cards.

The North Carolina Office of the State Auditor looked into transactions on cards used by FSU staff between January 1, 2022 and August 31, 2023.

This was in response to “multiple” allegations made to the state about FSU.

Out of the $692,239 in purchases that were either not allowed or not documented properly, the audit says $165,570 was paid to businesses owned by employees who had not disclosed a financial interest in the business. That’s considered a conflict of interest.

These findings will be referred to the State Bureau of Investigation to decide if there’s enough evidence to pursue criminal charges.

The university provided a plan to improve. It includes campus-wide training on purchase and travel card policies and the hiring of internal auditors.

“FSU’s leadership has been forthcoming, collaborative, and solutions-oriented throughout this process,” said State Auditor Jessica N. Holmes.
