State audit finds Town of Fremont violated state, federal law from 2014-2021

FREMONT, N.C. (WITN) – A town in Wayne County is in hot water based on a report from the North Carolina Office of the State Auditor released Wednesday.

The report was conducted in response to nine allegations reported to the state about the Town of Fremont.

The auditor’s office analyzed the town’s finances from 2014 through 2021 to make their determinations.

During that time, the audit shows the Town of Fremont failed to report to the IRS $235,013 of pay to the town administrator and former payroll clerk.

On top of that, the audit points out that the former payroll clerk paid herself and two other employees for more holiday time than they earned.

State auditors also found that $500,000 in pay to the former town administrator was not authorized and accurate.

Aside from financial missteps, the report also says town officials let two people live in Fremont Town Hall for about six months. That’s a misuse of town property.

There are recommendations in the report for how the town can improve.

It includes putting procedures in place to ensure W-2s and 1099s are provided every year to anyone who provides services and is paid more than $600 a year.

The auditor’s office also recommends the town come up with procedures to make sure their assets are safeguarded, including payroll.

The Town of Fremont responded to the report with a statement that reads, in part, as follows.

Allen’s statement goes on to say that board members have completed two hours of ethics training and will be attending a finance training session on June 4th. The full quote can be found on the 20th page of the audit linked above.
