ONSLOW COUNTY, N.C. (WITN) – Communities are preparing for the impact of Tropical Storm Debby.
Heavy rain and flooding are expected for Eastern Carolina, but more specifically the coast and Jacksonville. People are planning ahead by buying supplies at the store.
“Stock up on ice,” said Corey Jones, a Belgrade resident. “Things that keep sodas and meat cool cause your power could go out. Storms can be bad in North Carolina.”
Sarah Riggs has lived in the east all her life and always has a plan for if things take a turn.
“Depending on how bad the storm is gonna be,” said Riggs. “If it’s just some rain, we stay in the house and try not to go anywhere.”
Officials want to remind people to prepare their houses and yards now.
Norm Bryson with Onslow County Emergency Services says people should clean out their gutters and put anything in their yard away. But even after a storm, the most common calls are regarding flooding.
“Flooding is the major thing,” said Bryson. “Power outages are also big when you start getting a storm like this. You have pressure changes, so with that, people might feel tightness in their chest or other issues along those lines.”
Jones says he will prep his house on Tuesday and knows what to do.
“You have to board up your windows first,” said Jones. “Some people have animals and nice cars, so make sure everything gets tucked away real nice.”
Bryson recommends double-checking any emergency supplies you already have to make sure they’re up-to-date.
“Making sure they are getting the all hazard supply kits ready,” said Bryson. “Making sure you’re going over your checklist, your contacts are up to date, and you are keeping up with what the storm is doing.”
Officials want to remind people not to drive during the storm and to stay home.
Hurricane kits should be tailored to you and your family’s needs. There are some great resources online to find out what you can bring.