National Day of Prayer held in Kinston

KINSTON, N.C. (WITN) – For 73 years, events have been held nationwide on the first Thursday of May to observe the National Day of Prayer.

“Every county everywhere we should always be praying,” said the event’s host, Brenda Mclamore.

In Kinston, more than 50 people met in Grainger Stadium to pray.

“It’s important that we’re all one. It’s enough of you being in your church and you in your church. But coming together in unified prayer just in observance,” said Mclamore.

Those in attendance prayed over everything from wars, gangs, the military, abuse and law enforcement, especially after four members of law enforcement were killed in Charlotte on Monday.

“It’s such a tragedy. Law enforcement, who is supposed to protect us and serve, is being shot down? It’s these very community leaders that we need in the community. We have to color them in prayer every day,” said Mclamore.

Verna Blackwell came out to the event Thursday as another way to worship with her friends. “Number one prayer is just so prevalent to pray to our father and the lead of God’s people, and I’m always reminded that Jesus said man must always pray.”

Another attendee wanted to come together with her neighbors in good faith.

“It’s about time we had a joint community effort for positive,” said Andrea Kristiansen.

This year’s theme for the National Day of Prayer is Lift Up the Word, Light Up the World with many preachers and local leaders in Kinston leading the prayers.

There were 87 events held statewide for the National Day of Prayer, including the one in Kinston as well as in Greenville, New Bern, and Jacksonville.
