Local shelters & food banks prepare for warmer months & high temps

GREENVILLE, N.C. (WITN) – Warmer weather is approaching with near-90-degree temperatures and heat indexes predicted to be higher, and shelters and soup kitchens are preparing for an influx of people in need.

Charles Young, Community Crossroads Center Executive Director says, “We’re continuing to see an increase in residents. We’re averaging between 65 and 75 people per night. Our family rooms are full, they stay full.”

As temperatures are rising, Community Crossroads Center and Joy Soup Kitchen are in need of certain items.

“A lot of bottled water. We try to give our residents multiple bottles of water every day when they leave out. We also have a need for some bath towels we’re running out… toothpaste, and also orange juice. We use orange juice every day for breakfast,” Young told WITN.

Tom Quigley, Joy Soup Kitchen Executive Director also says, “Water bottles are going to be huge. I’m actually just coming in from Sam’s Club after getting twenty cases of water. We’re feeding over 6,000 people a month, we use water bottles at night. During the day, if people come in and sit down, they can get some water and Kool-Aid but at night we take out only and we have to send them out and keep them hydrated.”

Along with an increased need of basic necessities, organizations are taking the necessary precautions to better serve the community.

Young told WITN, “We do open the shelter for our residents to come in early so we are quite busy.”

“We open the diner Monday through Friday, 10:30-12:30 so the AC is on and running in here in the summertime so people can come in and get out of the elements and sit down and enjoy a lunch,” Quigley also says.

Young shared that due to the influx of people and the greater need the shelter has seen, the organization is breaking ground in June to create a larger shelter with more family rooms and resources for those in their care.

For more information on how to get involved at Community Crossroads Center and Joy Soup Kitchen or donate the items needed or monetarily, visit their websites.
