Local runner raises money for homeless shelter in a unique way

GREENVILLE, N.C. (WITN) – One runner in our area is raising money for a local homeless shelter but not in the way you would think.

22-year-old Lucas Autrey is running 30 marathons in 30 days. Autrey says it’s a journey of endurance to inspire and serve the ENC community. “For me, running is like consistency and discipline and just helps to set the rest of your day.”

Autrey is raising money for Community Crossroads Center in Greenville.

Community Crossroads Center Executive Director says, “A lot of bottled water. We try to give our residents multiple bottles of water every day when they leave out. We also have a need for some bath towels we’re running out. Toothpaste, and also orange juice. We use orange juice every day for breakfast.”

Autrey is on day 16 of 30 and says “I’m feeling dangerous.”

Autrey says he’s also working fulltime. “It’s tracking 26.2 miles every day on the GPS watch so wake up, I usually wake up around like 4:30 a.m., start running around 4:45 and run until around 8:45 or 9 and then I’m still working 40 hours a week while I’m doing this.”

Though Autrey says discipline is key, his faith is what keeps him going along with the hope to inspire people to keep running towards what motivates them.

“For me, this is kind of like a test of faith too. My faith is a big deal to me. Being able to fall back and rely on God in places that it really hurts because there’s been a lot of days where it’s been a struggle to get out of bed,” Autrey told WITN.

To donate, click here. You can choose any amount to give.

Companies can also write checks. to do so, contact Fleet Feet at (252) 353-3338.

100% of the funds will go directly into a special account overseen by Fleet Feet in Greenville and then a check will be written to Community Crossroads Center.
