ECU Health speaks on what certified children’s hospital to become Level I Pediatric Trauma Center

GREENVILLE, N.C. (WITN) – The James and Connie Maynard Children’s Hospital has just achieved something that only four other hospitals in the state have been able to do.

The James and Connie Maynard Children’s Hospital at ECU Health is now recognized as a Level I Trauma Center and is the only one east of Chapel Hill.

The American College of Surgeons’ Committee verified the Children’s Hospital at ECU Health Medical Center.

According to the ACS, level I trauma centers must be capable of providing system leadership and comprehensive trauma care for all injuries.

“When a traumatic injury occurs to a child, minutes really matter, and so knowing that we’re here for the region. A large portion of the rural area really needs access to care in regards to traumatic injuries if you think about all the traumatic events that each child can experience,” said Tara Stroud, the Women’s and Children’s Services Vice President

According to Shannon Longshore, the Pediatric Trauma Medical Director, some of the main standards for the committee are research, equipment, and personnel.

Longshore also said that 60% of the patients at ECU Health Medical Center and the children’s hospital are transferred in from other hospitals for a higher level, which is double the national average of 30%.

“We were in a rural part of the state and we’re one of four pediatric trauma centers in the state and it’s so critically important to have access for our kids that live in rural America,” said Longshore.

Last year, ECU Health’s trauma center saw more than 4,000 patients, with 300 of those being pediatric patients, meaning those under the age of 15.

The Maynard Children’s Hospital was first verified as a Level II Pediatric Trauma Center in 2017, and the ECU Health Medical Center has been a Level I Trauma Center since 2005.

Officials say that each verification lasts for three years.
