Details finally released on Washington High School vandalism

WASHINGTON, N.C. (WITN) – Beaufort County Schools finally released information on vandalism that hit one of its high schools last week.

So far, 47 seniors have been identified in a senior prank that caused significant damage to the cafeteria at Washington High School.

Last Thursday, WITN was sent pictures of the damage done the night before to the cafeteria.

The photos showed the cafeteria a complete mess with tables overturned, and toilet paper strewn about while the lunchroom was roped off with red caution tape.

At the time, Beaufort County Schools called the vandalism “an incident”.

This afternoon, after repeated requests for more details, the school system finally released information to the public.

It says the students vandalized the cafeteria, hallways, and classrooms. Cafeteria tables were broken, writing on hallway walls and windows, as well as trophy areas damaged by raw eggs.

The school district says the seniors got inside the school by using a key entry as the alarm was not properly set. It also confirmed that those who participated will not be allowed to participate in Saturday morning’s graduation ceremonies.

When asked if a criminal investigation was underway, the school district replied “potentially” and that no staff members have been disciplined because of what happened.

WITN also renewed a request for any photographs of the damage in possession of the school system, which should be considered public records under state law. So far, there’s been no response to our request.

If you have photos of the damage that you or your child took, please send them to our newsroom.
