Commissioner Causey rejects mobile home insurance rate increase, sets hearing date

RALEIGH, N.C. (WITN) -North Carolina Insurance Commissioner Mike Causey has set April 7, 2025, as the hearing date for a proposed increase in mobile homeowners’ insurance rates requested by the North Carolina Rate Bureau.

The Rate Bureau, which represents insurance companies and is not a part of the N.C. Department of Insurance, has requested an overall state average increase of 82.9% for mobile home fire policies (MH-F) over a three-year period. The insurance companies have requested an overall state average increase of 49.9% for mobile home casualty policies (MH-C) over a three-year period.

“We are not in agreement with the insurance companies’ proposed increases,” Commissioner Causey said. “It is now necessary to hold a hearing to reach a resolution that will make the most financial sense for our residents and insurance companies.”

The Rate Bureau filed the increase on April 8. State law requires the Commissioner to set a hearing date if he does not accept the insurance companies’ proposal.

The hearing will begin at 10 a.m. April 7, 2025, in the Second Floor Hearing Room at the Department of Insurance, 3200 Beechleaf Court, Raleigh.

The hearing will be held unless the Department of Insurance and the Rate Bureau are able to negotiate a settlement before that date.

The MH-F increase request is 24.9% for 2024, 21.2% for 2025 and 20.9% for 2026. The MH-C increase request is 15.9% for 2024, 13.9% for 2025 and 13.5% for 2026.
