Businesses are preparing for the ECU Baseball Regional Tournament crowds

GREENVILLE, N.C. (WITN) – You may see more visitors around Greenville this weekend as baseball fans come out to watch the regional tournament, which can also mean an economic boom for businesses in the area.

Four teams are clashing at ECU’s Clark-LeClair Stadium. While the ball field is sure to be action-packed, businesses in the area are also excited about the weekend.

‘Well, personally, I’m a huge fan. I’ve had season tickets for probably 15 years, so I couldn’t be more excited,” said Angus Grill Manager Kim Paschal.

For the first time in two years, ECU baseball is hosting another regional tournament. While baseball fans will root for their favorite teams, businesses are also making sure they are prepared for the crowds.

“Obviously, we’re in very close proximity to the stadium, so I’m hoping that’ll bring some people in,” said Paschal.

Paschal says they could also use the boost. “We need this for the city, especially this time of year when we have so many college kids already gone.”

Others are making sure they’re stocked and open for fans.

“It’s very exciting. Like I said, we’ve been working on it all week. We’re gonna have extended hours on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday,” said Barbara Burkett, the Stadium Sports Store Manager.

They’re even ready to call in reinforcements if needed.

“We do have some extra staff on call. We don’t want to jump the gun and bring people in if they don’t need to be,” said Paschal.

So, everyone is prepared and excited to paint the town purple this weekend.

There are two games on Friday with ECU vs. Evansville at 1 p.m. and Wake Forest vs. VCU at 6 p.m.

Some businesses we talked to are also hosting extra events, like karaoke at Pitt Street Hardware and a book signing at Stadium Sports.
