Bertie County students protest removal of football coach

BERTIE COUNTY, N.C. (WITN) – Many students at one Eastern Carolina school protested the removal of their head football coach.

Video shot by a student shows students at Bertie High School filling the halls to protest the removal of Coach Darrius Wesson.

According to Bertie County Schools Spokesman Janice Ricks, the students support Wesson and showed that by using their change of class to hold up signs and express their concerns, which they have a right to do.

According to Wesson’s post on social media, he was a graduate of Bertie High. In the post, Wesson went on to say that he was hired as the head coach less than a year ago and led the football team to its first playoff trip in 16 years.

WITN learned that Wesson is still an employee at the school as a Career Technical Education teacher. Assistant Superintendent Michael White told WITN that Wesson was at work Tuesday.

There has been no word on who will take his place as head coach.
